개인정보 처리방침에 대한 내용을 입력하십시오.
서비스 이용약관에 대한 내용을 입력하십시오.
Deep learning을 위한 디지털 뉴런 하드웨어 가속기 연구
Control for occupants comfort of autonomous vehicles
Passive occupant safety system for fully automated vehicles
Disaster Escape Simulator (VREscapeSim)
Virtual Reality Dizziness Alleviation
VR Human Machine Interface System
Security Vehicle to vehicle Communication
In-Vehicle Security
Vehicle to Infrastructure Security (V2X Security)
Automotive CyberSecurity Research Center (ACSRC)
Thermoelectric Devices
HVAC system
Challenging issues!! : 4th Generation Solar cells (Solar power to Chemical energy conversion
Navigation, traffic control Systems of UAV and Standardization
UAV applications : delivery chain, disaster relief and rescue systemUltra
Side-Mirrir less Car
System Interface technology
Low power Electrical ⇌ Optical interface circuits
Ultra low power circuits
RFID Circuits(Tag and reader ships, NFC, 13.56MHz smart card)
System in Packages
Device modeling