Robust Perception in Adverse Weather
- Recognize the type and severity of weather and detect objects robustly under inclement weather
Perception with Multispectral Camera
- Detect objects that are hard to perceive and analyze surface materials
Regulations-based Autonomous Driving Simulation
- Simulate on CARLA in compliance with ASAM international standards and domestic traffic laws
Addressing Uncertainty Challenges for Autonomous Driving
- Quantify the uncertainty in the decision process and measure risk by reflecting the uncertainty
- 악천후/비정형 환경변화에서의 Seamless 자율주행을 위한 인지/판단 AI SW 핵심기술 개발(정보통신기획평가원)
- 초고난도 자율주행모빌리티 인지예측센서 기술개발 (한국산업기술평가관리원)
- 자율주행 관련 법규 및 규제 대응 시나리오 실효성 검증 기술 개발(정보통신기획평가원)
Quantum-Classical Hybrid Algorithms
- Develop architectures and algorithms to mitigate the quantum error
Quantum Machine Learning
- Develop quantum counterpart of machine learning algorithms and quantum embedding of classical data
Medical Applications of Quantum Computer
- Apply quantum algorithms to the medical field to demonstrate quantum advantage
Quantum Computing for Computational Biolog
- Develop quantum algorithms to solve computationally hard problems such as protein folding
- 양자 컴퓨팅 몬테 카를로 해석 기반의 방사선 치료 계획 고속화 및 환자 맞춤형 방사선 치료 임상 적용 연구 (한국연구재단)
Deep Reinforcement Learning Processor
- Develop software for hardware accelerator with AI chip for reinforcement learning
Reinforcement Learning under Unpredictable Challenges
- Enhance the resilience and reliability of reinforcement learning to adapt to unpredictable scenarios
Blockchain for Security and Decentralization
- Strengthen the security of autonomous vehicle networks by utilizing blockchain technology
Metaverse and Cyber-Physical System for Real-World Simulation
- Simulate the real-world using the metaverse and cyber-physical system
- 동적 환경변화에 적응가능한 강화학습기반의 인공지능프로세서 개발 (정보통신기획평가원)