School of Integrated Technology (SIT)
College of Computing
Inter-university Alliance for Future Vehicular Technology (I4FT)
진리관C (Veritas Hall C) #423
85 Songdokwahak-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 406-840, Korea
Ph.D. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, KAIST (1995)
M.S. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, KAIST (1988)
B.S. Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University (1986)
LG Electronics, Research Engineer, (1988-1990)Semiconductor Product Engineer (Involving Development of analog Bipolar Products)
LG Semicon (SK Hynix, at present) Research Engineering (1990-1991)Semiconductor Device Engineer (Involving Development of DRAM Devices)
Sandisk, San Jose, USA. Dispatched researcher from LG semicon, Flash Memory design (1995)
LG Semicon (SK Hynix, at present) Senior Research Engineering (1995-1996)Semiconductor Device Engineer (Involving Development of Flash Memory Devices)
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO, 특허청), Government Employer(사무관), Patent Examiner
Wonkwang University, Associate Professor (1997-2004)
IMEC(International Microelectronics Research Center, Leuven, Belgium), Visiting Professor (2000)
Chungbuk National University, Professor (2005-2010)
Yonsei University, Professor, School of Integrated Technology (since 2011 )
I4FT (Inter-university Alliance for Future vehicular Technology), Founder and head Director (2022- Present)
Department Chair: Department of Vehicular convergence Engineering (Graduate School program designated for Hyundai Motor Group) (2023 ~)
Korean President Science and Technology Advisory Committee Reviewer (2021.8 - 2022.12) 대통령직속과학기술자문회의위원
National Assembly Budget Office Advisory Council Member (2021.8 - Present)(국회 예산정책 자문위원)
Korean National Science and Technology Committee (ICT-SW subcommittee Chairman (2019 - 2020) (과학기술자문회의 ICT-SW 전문 위원장)
Incheon PAV/UAM Promotion Association Advisory Committee Chairman (2020 - Present)
Vice Chair of Steering Committee of Korean semiconductor Conference (2022 ~ Present)
Dean, Department of Vehicle Convergence Engineering, Yonsei University (since 2018)
IEEE VR standard Adversary Board Member (since 2018)
Founder: SKT-Yonsei Cooperative Autonomous Vehicle Research center (since 2017)
Vice-Chair, Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing (한국차세대컴퓨팅학회) (2010 ~ Present)
Chair, IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society Seoul Chapter (2013 ~ 2015)
Technical Program Chair, ISOCC (International SoC Design Conference) 2013
Chair, Vehicle Electronics Research Group (전자공학회 자동차 전자연구회) (2013 ~ 2014)
Founder and Head Director, RAVERS (Research center for Advanced Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Recovery Systems) (2009-2010)
Korean Presidential Award (대통령상 수상팀 지도교수, International Robot Contest, IRC-2009, IRC-2010)
Best Research Professor Award (Chungbuk National University 2009)
Korean Prime Minister Award (국무총리 수상팀 지도교수, International Robot Contest, IRC-2008)
Founder and Head Director, CADEC (Chungbuk Analog Design and Education Center) (2006-2008)